FP - Fondation Probité
FP stands for Fondation Probité
Here you will find, what does FP stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fondation Probité? Fondation Probité can be abbreviated as FP What does FP stand for? FP stands for Fondation Probité. What does Fondation Probité mean?Fondation Probité is an expansion of FP
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Alternative definitions of FP
- Focal Plane
- Forensic Pathologist
- Flash point
- Front Porch
- Freedom Of Press
- Floating Point
- False Positive
- Full Potential
View 287 other definitions of FP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FCP Football Club Pharmagros
- FDM Football Diary Magazine
- FFPPRNRDC/FPRN Forces de Femmes Pour la Protection des Ressources Naturelles de le RDC /FPRN
- FAP Forest and Agroforestry Promoters
- FBRDCH Foundation "Boluka R.D. Congo Humania"
- FEDEV Foundation for Environment and Development
- FPS Foundation for Peace and Solidrity
- FPSC Foundation for Persecuted Saints Camroon
- FOVEDES Foyer des Veuves pour le Development Social
- FESADE NGO Women, Health and Development
- FEMCOM-SADC Reseau des Femmes D'Affaires du Comesa et Sadc
- for Charities, Childcare and Relief Fund Baseelia Foundation
- FS Facilitator to the Society
- FN Fact Nepal
- FFN Faith Foundation Nepal